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The Apocolypse is Coming!

I’m going to give a warning before you read further. Of course this post is about the election. It contains my opinion (somewhat), and may be mildly offensive to those of you who’ve been acting worse than a two year old. It is also a bit more crude than what I usually post. So please, if you wish to not to hear what I have to say on the matter, feel free to click that little escape X and have a nice day!

           I want to start off by telling you who I voted for.Wait for it…wait for it….

                              NO ONE.

                              I didn’t vote.

          I can all hear you're disgusted gasps clouding my ears. How dare I? What kind of deplorable American am I?   

           Blah, blah, blah!

           Okay, now that we’ve confirmed what a horrible person I am, let me tell you why.

           When it first became evident who the candidates were, I laughed.

             A reality TV star? Really? A man whose businesses have claimed bankruptcy, not once, not twice, but four times? If he can’t manage his own finances, how do we expect him to run the country’s? No thank you.

             You’re Fired!


             A former first lady who couldn’t manage to keep her husband’s privates private? And on top of that, chooses to stay married to him. Then has the balls, (apparently bigger than her husband's) to dredge it all up again and run for president?

         I think we’d have a better chance with Monica.

         We all know Ms.Lewinsky can’t suck any worse.

(elbow in the ribs) Am I right, am I right?

After pondering these couple of things alone I was turned off. Neither seemed to fit my idea of our President. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I envisioned someone who cares about us all. Not a bigot, not someone who stands with ignorance. Someone who actually knows what the hell they’re talking about. Someone who is realistic, and actually gets “it”, gets us the people of our fine world. Oh, and maybe someone with a little fashion sense.

I’m sure each of them have some very nice ideas of what our country should be, but I don’t care. The race was sad from the beginning, so I dropped out. Neither candidate fit the bill so to speak.

This has all been such a melodramatic experience.

Trump supporters with their in your face taunting, nah nah nuh boo boo, told you he’d win. Now get out of the country! Deplorable attitudes and complete ignorance for others. 

Then we have the Clinton pantsuit feminists crying about how our country is going to end. They're scared. The apocalypse is here. Wa wa wa! Cry me a friggen river.

People arguing on Facebook, de-friending each other, burning flags, rioting.

How does that saying go?

Opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one.

Damn right! And everybody’s whipping theirs out and shitting all over each other.

I have four words for you.


First of all, regardless of who is President, there’s very little they can do to change this country in four measly years. Second of all, they have thousands and thousands of other people in office who make decisions for them or with them. It’s going to be a rare occasion that our President gets to do what he or she wants without various opinions intercepting.

Can a wall between countries be built in four years? Most likely not going to happen. The funding alone will have so much red tape, Trump will be binded up for most of, if not his whole term.

Immigration seems to be a big bone of contention lately. People screaming It’s the law, It’s the law! Let me play devils advocate here for a moment.

Have those here illegally broken a law? Yes.

Did you just break a law answering that text message while you were driving? Yes.

How about when you drank those two glasses of wine after dinner and drove home? Yep!

Have you ever sped, jay walked, or killed some sort of woodland creature when it wasn’t in season?  

I’m guilty for a few of those, how about you?

I know, I know, but that’s not the same, you say.

Why isn’t it? A law is a law, right?

I’m not going to pretend that I know what it's’ like to be anyone but myself. But as difficult as it is sometimes, I get all of you.

I understand your issues, your insecurities, your regrets, your mistakes and your heartaches.

I’m not gay, but I can fathom why you’re scared. I get why you fight to be able to just love who you love without opinions and prejudice.

I’m not an illegal immigrant, but I know why you’re here. I’ve seen the slums you were born into. I know you don’t have the option to raise your children in a clean safe, environment like we do.

I’m not a veteran, but I realize what you’re so mad about. Why are you fighting for this country when we’re allowing so many that we’re fighting against, across our borders?

I’m not a middle class, blue collar worker, paying taxes to feed mouths that aren’t mine….

Oh wait, yeah I am.

But do you know what? I’m still not going to treat any of you any different and I’m certainly not going to raise my children to bully others either. I’ve made mistakes. I’m not a perfect person.

Do I wish somethings in this country were different? Of course I do! I’m the first person to tell you that change is good. I’m all for a little adjustment. But the way we’re going about it is pathetic, hurtful, and entirely too pietistic.

How about we take a little advice from the good book.

“There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?” James 4:12~

Don’t believe in God? Fine, that’s your right!

I won’t judge you.

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